Mayor Kangwagye elected RALGA president

KIGALI - The Mayor of Rulindo, Justus Kangwagye was, over the weekend, elected the new president of The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) replacing the governor of Eastern Province, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Newly elected RALGA president Justus Kangwagye.(Courtesy Photo).

KIGALI - The Mayor of Rulindo, Justus Kangwagye was, over the weekend, elected the new president of The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) replacing the governor of Eastern Province, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira.

Kangwagye was elected during the 15th General Assembly of RALGA which was attended by over 180 local leaders including presidents of district advisory councils, mayors, district executive secretaries and representatives from sectors and cells.

"We already have a strategic plan in hand but mainly, we need to cut external dependence since RALGA has been depending on donors to run most of its work,” said Kangwagye, while highlighting his plan for RALGA.

He added that he would devise a programme that includes local government alumni as part of RALGA.

"They possess experience that we can borrow...RALGA also become a member to Commonwealth Local Government Association; we, therefore, need to exploit all these opportunities,” said Kangwagye.

Others elected were Dr. Jeanne Nyirahabimana as the vice-president; Christine Niwemugeni as Secretary/Treasurer while Yvonne Mutakwasuku was voted in as president of the Advocacy and Legal Commission.

Other members of the committee include Yves Bernard Ingabire who was elected as the president of the capacity building commission and François Niyotwagira as the president of social affairs commission among others.

The meeting further nominated a new monitoring committee headed by Prof. Juvénal Nshimiyimana with Immaculée Kayitesi and Sinese Museveni chosen as members.

"The General Assembly also made a number of recommendations to improve its efficiency and assure its sustainability. They were requested to use the IT infrastructure and tools available in the country for quick and cost effective communication,” reads a communiqué from RALGA.

It adds that; "After being briefed on the objectives and the capacity of RALGA consultancy firm, LG Consult, which was mainly established to generate income for the association’s sustainability, members committed to use the services of the firm not only to contribute in the association’s income generation, but also to get quality services.”
