Businesses in Rwanda informal – 2007 census

At least 97 percent of the businesses in Rwanda are owned by individuals, a country wide business census says.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

At least 97 percent of the businesses in Rwanda are owned by individuals, a country wide business census says.

The census enumerated 64,218 businesses in the country. Of these, individual owned enterprises comprise 23,938 businesses while individual businesses operating from markets and collective sites are 38,698.

Private limited liability companies and public limited liability were 391 and 64 respectively.

The report also indicates that unions, associations and federation in the process of converting into cooperatives are 1,127.

Private limited liability companies represent only 0.61 percent of the total businesses in the country.

However, public limited liability companies represent a mere 0.10 percent while cooperatives associations, unions and federation make up 1.7 percent of the businesses in the country.

Justin Nsengyumva, the secretary general ministry of commerce, industry, investment promotion, tourism and cooperatives (Minicom) said more private limited liability companies are needed to boost the private sector if the country is to grow and develop.

Distribution by sector
The census report shows t hotels, travel agencies, tour operators and high class restaurants at 0.3 per cent. And the financial services that include banks, insurance, forex bureaus, micro finance institutions (MFI) and insurance brokers making 0.4 percent of the total businesses.

Industry representing 0.3 percent, art and crafts 2 per cent while agriculture and livestock and professional services are all at 0.6 percent each.

Employee by level
87 percent of employees in the Rwandan business have only finished primary school and have no formal qualification, secondary school represent 11 percent, and university graduates represent only 2 percent