KIE leads in fight against drug abuse

KIGALI - Kigali Institute of Education (KIE), through its Anti Drug Abuse Club (ADAC-KIE), yesterday held a workshop with students representing higher institutions of learning across the country with the focus on the fight against drug abuse.The Club, which has been fighting against the use of drugs in secondary schools, says it plans to engage universities in the campaign.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

KIGALI - Kigali Institute of Education (KIE), through its Anti Drug Abuse Club (ADAC-KIE), yesterday held a workshop with students representing higher institutions of learning across the country with the focus on the fight against drug abuse.

The Club, which has been fighting against the use of drugs in secondary schools, says it plans to engage universities in the campaign.

"We want to sensitize fellow students so that they also consider working with us by coming up with similar clubs in their respective institutions,” said Joseph Mushikirano, chairman of the club.

He explained that this would help institutions coordinate to eliminate the habit not only in schools but even in their home areas.

"We also plan to take our strategy to the regional level where we shall invite universities from the region.” he said.

The workshop was organized in collaboration with the National Police and supported by the Ministry of Youth.
In his speech, CSP Damas Gatare, highlighted on the present situation of drug abuse and trafficking into the country.

"Since 2005, when we intensified sensitization against use of drugs, suspects related to these cases increased and last year, between January and July, 1,547 were arrested of which 999 were accused of either trading or consuming marijuana,” Gatare said.

The Advisor to the Ministry of Youth, Guillaume Serge Nzabonimana, commended KIE for the initiative saying it proves commitment.

"We have been working with various developing partners to fight against the habit, but for this particular development, KIE has taken the lead. And we shall support it,” Nzabonimana promised.

Vestine Nyiraneza, a student who represented Kigali Health Institute (KHI), said a similar club was needed at her school basing on what she leant from the workshop.
