Secret life… Olivier Rwabukera

Olivier Rwabukera is the Director of Events and Music Entertainment, a company aiming at promoting entertainment. He says among other responsibilities, he is focused on taking the industry to a higher level. Below is what you may not have known about him;

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Olivier Rwabukera is the Director of Events and Music Entertainment, a company aiming at promoting entertainment. He says among other responsibilities, he is focused on taking the industry to a higher level. Below is what you may not have known about him;

The first thing you do in the morning
I wake and immediately go for a morning walk

When are you happiest?
Whenever I am reading my bible

Greatest fear
The Almighty God

Childhood memory
The day when my mother organized for me a birthday party when I was 10.

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their love for me that I will miss for ever

The most important thing life has taught you
Hard work pays

Greatest achievement
I am still working for that 

During your free time
I like reading and associating with friends

Retirement plans
I plan to stay in my home and enjoy horse riding with colleagues

Photo G. Mugoya