Fiction: A gigolo’s sad ending

Should there be a male beauty pageant, certainly and without a shadow of doubt, Ngigi would be having several trophies well displayed in his living room.He, by all standards is a handsome man. His athletic body figure, good balanced face with sexy eyes and conspicuous dimples are remarkably noticed at first sight.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Should there be a male beauty pageant, certainly and without a shadow of doubt, Ngigi would be having several trophies well displayed in his living room.

He, by all standards is a handsome man. His athletic body figure, good balanced face with sexy eyes and conspicuous dimples are remarkably noticed at first sight.

He is a half caste from a black African mother and a white European father – a rare combination which raises romantic temperatures among the typical African ladies. 

Contrary to the norm, it is them, ladies who turn their heads whenever Ngigi passes by.

Though well educated, Ngigi did not manage to secure a stable job after college. He relies on handouts from friends and relatives.

He sometimes, at a small fee, coaches students in arithmetic and science subjects which he is apparently smart in.

He was window shopping at a supermarket one afternoon when Karuthu, a wealthy single lady, spotted him. Perhaps it is his handsome traits which attracted her.

She being a powerful woman and assertive did not find it hard to publicly provoke Ngigi into a seductive conversation which he obliged naturally and with ease.

It was after that romantically charged conversation between the two, that Ngigi followed the mature lady like a sheep going to a slaughter house.

Her charms, expensive jewellery and luxurious materials were alluring and irresistible for Ngigi considering that he was just but a mere pauper.
Karuthu monitored every step he made. She feared he might intermingle with young girls and perhaps develop a relationship which could hamper their queer union. Every conversation he made through the phone was thoroughly scrutinized and analyzed in a bid to decode any coded message which she presumed could be forthcoming.
What initially started like an affair, after several weeks however turned to be a spectacle to behold. Ngigi literally became her bootlicker.

He virtually was being commanded like a slave both in private and in public life by his ‘lover’. He unwillingly lived under the roof of this lady just because he was desperate and for the material gains he was getting out of her and not love.

He suffered public ridicule but wore a brave face despite all the odds. His parents were vocal against their cohabitation but this did not deter him from living with Karuthu.

Their come we stay relationship however had a lot of hiccups more so because Karuthu was notorious with her ruthlessness on the young man. 

An abrupt and unannounced visit by friends and relatives to Karuthu’s homestead revealed the ugly kind of life their son was subjected to.

They found their son washing her lingerie as she stood before him with her hands on her waist shouting vulgar words at him.

Stunned by the sight, they hurriedly manhandled Ngigi and carried him shoulder high away from the lady in a bid to salvage him from the hands of that wealthy but cruel lady whom they accused of using witchcraft to keep and use him like a tool to satisfy her cravings.

"Fortunately analysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a very effective therapist.” Karen Horney