To tithe or not to tithe

“I have been tithing and giving lots of money to the church, but there is no development and accountability at all, apart from the Pastor changing and driving the latest cars yet the church building is in bad shape.I stopped taking my tithe to church; I resorted to giving help to the street kids and other needy people instead of giving it to those people who use it for their own selfish needs,” angrily retorts a believer who prefers anonymity.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"I have been tithing and giving lots of money to the church, but there is no development and accountability at all, apart from the Pastor changing and driving the latest cars yet the church building is in bad shape.

I stopped taking my tithe to church; I resorted to giving help to the street kids and other needy people instead of giving it to those people who use it for their own selfish needs,” angrily retorts a believer who prefers anonymity.

Many people have encountered such scenarios, where the flock claims that their shepherd is mis-using the tithe; so they would rather not give it in or use it for something else that the church would have done.

Some church leaders have probably misused the tithe, others have made good use of it but the question that has been raised is whether it is a command for one to return tithe or not.

 The tithe is the tenth of all the increase that God gives to you. What does "increase” include? "Increase” is everything that increases the value of earthly possessions that God places into your trust, whether it is earned income or unearned gifts.

A tenth of everything that is "increase” to you belongs to God in the form of tithes. The tithe of your increase is not yours to give to God; it is God’s for you to give to God, and it is a privilege for us to have it to give to him.

Under the law in the Old Testament, Jews had to pay ten percent of the produce of the earth and the increase of their herds and flocks to God. Today the tithe is stipulated as ten percent of one’s gross income which has to be paid to the local church.
Is it compulsory to return tithe?

"Tithing is a command that we are obliged to obey and give it back to God as the Bible says. The purpose of tithing is very clear according to Malachi 3 and we cannot change it for something else,” says Pastor Killy Geofrey of Kigali English Church, Kibagabaga,a seventh day Adventist church.
It is a command to return a tenth of what one earns. However, not all religions look at tithe in monetary terms, but some do instead give from their livestock or produce from their gardens.

"Tithing is a command and when we don’t tithe, we rob God just like the Bible states. It’s so embarrass ing to rob God of just the 10% he asks of us, yet he is the one who gives us all that we have.

I have tried to return my tithe faithfully, and I have seen God being true to his word when he tells us to test him by returning our tithe and he shall pour out his blessings on us and that there shall not be room enough to receive them.

Tithe is a gateway for a believer into the covenant of blessings,” says Mrs.Jidia Gasana Ndizeye, an IT Personnel and born again Christian.
How is Tithe different from Offerings?

Offerings are gifts brought to God beyond the tithes. The tithe was always ten percent of one’s increase, but with certain offerings, God gave His people some discretion as to the amount or number of offerings to bring.

Their financial situation in life and the depth of their zeal for God was shown by their choices concerning offerings. Here are some of the offerings that God instituted in Israel for the people to bring to His servants.

Jean Paul Musafiri, 62, an elder in the church and resident of Nyarutarama says that tithing is like paying tax off every increase we get, such as our salary while with offerings, one can give whatever they feel like. It is a must and God expects us to return it whether the church is using it in the right or wrong way.

"You are supposed to return tithe to your church and if it is being used in the wrong way, God will handle that. If the tithe is robbed, then it is God being robbed and he is capable of dealing with whoever steals from him. The body of Christ shouldn’t use this as an excuse not to tithe for he who doesn’t tithe shall be cursed according to Malachi 3:9,”adds Musafiri.

According to Pastor John Mulenzi, who is also a theology Teacher and Dean of Students at African Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions, it was a law to tithe in the Old Testament and it is still a requirement to return to the house of the Lord 90 percent of what you earn or your profit.

However, some people have gone to the extreme and confused the whole tithing thing whereby they even go ahead and tithe their tuition fees which is not right.

Pastor Mulenzi adds that the Offering is anything you give off the 90 percent after returning your tithe. With the offering, one gives as the spirit leads, it could be much more than the 10 percent or even less.

The Lord delights in a cheerful giver so it has to be from the heart. If one gives because he is afraid of what people will say if he doesn’t give or wants people to see him, then the Lord shall not accept their tithe and offering.

Bottom line is, we should return God’s tithe and offering because the Bible says so, we love the Lord and it’s him who gives it all to us. Different religious denominations could have various views about tithing but God holds the ultimate truth so delving into our Bibles to search for it is the best way to find out other than letting your vision to be blurred by the different interpretations.