Jacque’s Vibes: True forgiveness is from the heart

Have you ever felt how relieving it is to genuinely forgive? This forgiving that comes from the heart is like offloading a heavy burden off your shoulders.Forgiving is an invitation to healing. Forgiveness from your heart means that you have no ill feelings about that person when you see them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Have you ever felt how relieving it is to genuinely forgive? This forgiving that comes from the heart is like offloading a heavy burden off your shoulders.

Forgiving is an invitation to healing. Forgiveness from your heart means that you have no ill feelings about that person when you see them.

You could be holding on to a resentment that is difficult to let go such as; anger, bitterness, hatred et cetera but with true forgiveness from the heart you are set free. It is like a fresh breathe that has been added to your life.

Forgiveness from the heart always keeps you from judging others. Judging always causes you to think you have some sort of superiority; therefore forgiveness will not be achieved.

Forgiveness from the heart leads to life. The result is relief, joy, love, peace and there will be a smile upon your face, hence adding some time to your lifespan.

Like the Bible tells us that, ‘neither will our Father forgive our trespasses (Matthew 6:15) if we do not forgive those who trespass against us,’ and here God meant true forgiveness from the heart. Who would really want God to give up on them—certainly not you or even me?

If you do not forgive from the heart, you will always look for little faults in others, while you have a mountain of un-forgiveness within you. You will always be ready to think the worst and speak the worst.

Forgiveness from the heart only knows one thing—unconditional love. If you do not forgive there will be no peace in your heart. This eventually affects your family, closest friends and people in other relationships as a whole.

All you reap from not forgiving are misery, pain, spiritual and emotional loss, blame and among other things. There is definitely nothing good that comes out of a bitter unforgiving heart.

Try and forgive because life is much better for the light-hearted. Forgiveness comes in a package of love, joy, peace and a sound mind.
