Over Rwf12 million raised to help Genocide orphans

Kirehe- On Friday, over Rwf 12 million were raised in a fundraising drive to help Genocide orphans in Nyarubuye in Kirehe District.Nyarubuye, is one of the most notorious areas, where 51,000 Tutsi were brutally killed.Addressing the mourners, the Minister of Youth, Protais Mitali, said that the money will help in the provision of basic needs for the orphans.

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Minister Protais Mitali lays a wreath at Nyarubuye genocide cemetery (Photo. S. Rwembeho).

Kirehe- On Friday, over Rwf 12 million were raised in a fundraising drive to help Genocide orphans in Nyarubuye in Kirehe District.

Nyarubuye, is one of the most notorious areas, where 51,000 Tutsi were brutally killed.

Addressing the mourners, the Minister of Youth, Protais Mitali, said that the money will help in the provision of basic needs for the orphans. He added that Nyarubuye cemetery will soon be given a face-lift to represent the district of Kirehe.

The Minister said that Church authorities should liaise with the district to remove their only remaining building in order to give room for the expansion of the memorial site.

"We have selected one area designated for a Genocide memorial site in every district. In Kirehe District it is Nyarubuye. There is thus need to get more space to accommodate better and bigger structures in the near future,” he said.

Kirehe District Mayor, Protais Murayire, said the Genocide left many orphans as heads of families, who need constant help to make ends meet.

"The effects of the genocide on Tutsi families are far reaching... children are now family heads, we thus need to keep a close eye on them. But with the heart of caring exhibited by Rwandans fundraising today, I am sure the orphans’ future is bright,” he said.

Claude Ntaganira, one of the orphans, said that they welcomed the society’s concern for them. He equally thanked the government for the relentless monetary and moral support it has been giving them.

"We feel stronger when members of society associate with us in every aspect. It is this that has helped us to stay in school and change from a state of hopelessness to focused youth,’ he said.
