Court adjourns ruling in Ex- Mayor’s graft case

KARONGI- Karongi Intermediate Court yesterday adjourned the ruling of a case in which former Mayor of Rutsiro, Jean Ndimubahire, is accused of corruption, The adjournment was requested by the prosecution which reportedly unearthed more evidence against the accused..“Prosecution claims to have gathered more evidence against Ndimubahire and it is important that we hear from both sides,” the Presiding Judge, Adolphe Udahemuka, said.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

KARONGI- Karongi Intermediate Court yesterday adjourned the ruling of a case in which former Mayor of Rutsiro, Jean Ndimubahire, is accused of corruption,
The adjournment was requested by the prosecution which reportedly unearthed more evidence against the accused..

"Prosecution claims to have gathered more evidence against Ndimubahire and it is important that we hear from both sides,” the Presiding Judge, Adolphe Udahemuka, said.

He set a fresh hearing date for Friday next week. Yesterday, speculation heightened when Ndimubahire did not turn up for the hearing amid claims that he could be on the run.

Ndimubahire has been under trial for allegedly conniving with another district official to swindle about Rwf3million in June 2007.

His fellow defendant Jean Pierre Nsabimana, a former Executive Secretary of the National Youth Council at the district, is currently under detention.

The duo is accused of embezzlement and using forged documents to justify non-existent expenditures.

Ndimubahire’s attorney, Felicien Bimenyimana, expressed satisfaction shortly after the Judge’s decision.

"I was informed in advance that prosecution had uncovered more essential documents and this is a welcome move because it has come up before the ruling. I am confident of challenging any new accusations,” Bimenyimana said.

In previous hearings, Nsabimana insisted that his involvement in the use of forged receipts to justify non-existent expenditures was under the mayor’s influence, a claim Ndimubahire vehemently denies.

The money in question, which was provided by the Public Health Program, a Swiss project operating in both Rutsiro and Karongi districts, was meant for conducting a two-day youth seminar.

Prosecution maintains that the arrangement and intention of the seminar was marred by many irregularities from which the money was embezzled.

It is alleged that Ndimubahire used his position as Mayor and coordinator of the National Youth Council in the district to pressure Nsabimana to mismanage the funds.
