WDA launches training programmes for hospitality industry

KIGALI - The Director General of Workforce Development Authority (WDA), Albert Nsengiyunva, Thursday, urged service providers to put into practice skills acquired during training programmes, to improve on their quality of services.He was speaking during the launch of a training programme for hotel and restaurant service providers in Kigali.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

KIGALI - The Director General of Workforce Development Authority (WDA), Albert Nsengiyunva, Thursday, urged service providers to put into practice skills acquired during training programmes, to improve on their quality of services.

He was speaking during the launch of a training programme for hotel and restaurant service providers in Kigali.

"These trainings will only be of importance when you (trainees) improve on your services based on what you get from them,” Nsengiyunva said.

143 participants are currently undergoing the training aimed at equipping them with professional and technical capacity in culinary and food and beverage service skills, housekeeping and front office operations.

The two-phase training that started on April 4th will last a month. The training programme started in Musanze, Rubavu, Karongi, Rusizi and will be carried out countrywide.

The Director of Training at WDA, Sam Barigye, noted that in order to determine the capacity of participants, an assessment exercise would be carried out in the course of the training.

"Unless service providers have that technical competence in the services they provide, we cannot even talk about quality customer care,” Barigye noted.

The Chairman of Rwanda Hotel and Restaurant Association (RHRA), Eric Musanganya, commended WDA`s initiatives, calling upon members to profitably use the chances given.

He highlighted measures put in place to ensure employers play a role in improving their employee’s services.

"As service providers undergo various trainings this year, their employee`s will also have to be trained,” Musanganya noted.

He added that according to a survey, there was need to inform employers on various key responsibilities that will enable their workers to provide quality service.

Jackie Umukunzi, one of the trainees’ who works at Sports View Hotel, Remera, commended the training, saying it would help them improve on services.
