“God Reigns Supreme”

Just as we close the “Genocide Memorial week”, there are a lot of things that come to mind.We remember all those innocent human beings, whose lives were prematurely terminated by merciless and heartless creatures purporting to be fellow human beings!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just as we close the "Genocide Memorial week”, there are a lot of things that come to mind.  

We remember all those innocent human beings, whose lives were prematurely terminated by merciless and heartless creatures purporting to be fellow human beings!  It is quite absurd how a human being would turn all his energies upon another for the simple reason that, one was born a this or a that!
Many people blame that on politics, what is politics after all?  Much as we were in the mourning period, some so called politicians somewhere in Africa are still turning their wrath upon hapless citizens in the guise of maintaining themselves in power (against the wishes of their people).
After meting out so much suffering to his subjects, fate has caught up with him! Some people have not taken a lesson from the Rwanda Genocide of 1994.

There is this common English saying that goes as "When two Elephants Fight, it is the Grass that Suffers”; not anymore!  I happened to be watching TV and a one "self-styled President” was captured in a very compromising position not befitting someone of his calibre!  From President to Prisoner, it is a very ironical situation.
At least, I am a Villager and nobody can take that away from me!  The whole scenario reminded me of the Late General Field Marshall Dr Idi Amin Dada, VC DSO MC CBE (RIP); he had proclaimed himself a life President and had vowed never to leave power or flee but when the Saba Saba boys came calling, the poor Field Marshall fled for dear life to Riyadh via Tripoli.

As if Amin’s ghost has come back to Tripoli, Libya is on fire, the poor Colonel is spending many sleepless nights because some of his once dormant citizens have woken up and do not want anything to do with him or his sons!  Are we about to experience another Somalia (failed state) in Libya? 

God forbid, we are sick and tired of Africans shedding the blood of Africans or is it Arabs vs Arabs? The situation is quite alarming.

The situation is now changing, much as the West looked on as Rwandans were being butchered in their hundreds of thousands, the West looked on but now, they seem to be waking up to support "Rebels” aka "Freedom Fighters” against the Colonel of Libya.

Let us hope that, they will do so in the interest of humanity rather than those of Europe.
Alas, may God Bless Africa so that, we Africans are able to respect and value the lives of our fellow human beings.  

To all those that perished in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, wars and strife in all other parts of the world, natural calamities, may your souls rest in peace.
God reigns supreme, at one time, we shall all be made to account for our actions.
