Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,My husband and the father of my two children is a serial cheater. He cheats on me at the slightest opportunity. I even caught him cheating on me on the eve of our wedding day, but I decided to forgive him and go ahead with the wedding plans because of the love I have for him. Five years into that marriage I feel short changed. What should I do?Evelyn.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,
My husband and the father of my two children is a serial cheater. He cheats on me at the slightest opportunity. I even caught him cheating on me on the eve of our wedding day, but I decided to forgive him and go ahead with the wedding plans because of the love I have for him. Five years into that marriage I feel short changed. What should I do?


Have you heard about teaching an old dog new tricks? It has never happened before so it will not start now. The fact that this man had the nerve to cheat on you on the eve of your wedding was enough reason to give him the boot there and then without any regrets whatsoever!
The only thing for you to do now is to salvage your children. Do not fool yourself and stay for the sake of the children, either way he will still cheat on you.
You are risking your life for someone who does not even give you any value. Five years is a long time for you to have taken a decision to leave him.

But then better late than never, he is not only abusing your dignity he is also abusing you emotionally. I tell you now, the only right thing for you to do is to leave that man the soonest before he worsens the situation. In this era of HIV/AIDS you cannot afford to live with a man who wants to see the inside of every skirt that passes by.

Usually when a married couple has a problem, the first thing I advise them is to seek advice either professionally or from elders of both families, but then what more can I say when this man started cheating on you even before you became his wife, and had the nerve to sleep around on the eve of your wedding day, well this is one man who needs to be furthest from you.
