Weekly review

Burundi Diaspora Walk-to-Remember The Rwandan community in Burundi concluded the 17th Genocide Commemoration Week with a Walk-to–Remember in the capital Bujumbura on Wednesday. They gathered at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Bujumbura for the conclusion of the commemoration.The function, carried out in memory of the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, was organized by the Rwandan Embassy in Burundi in conjunction with the representatives of youth associations such as Peace and Love Proclaimers, As we forgive Rwanda Initiative and AEGIS Students.

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Justice Minister Tharcise Karugarama (R) talking to the Press as Deputy Prosecutor General Alphonse Hitiyaremye looks on. (Photo J Mbanda).

Burundi Diaspora Walk-to-Remember

The Rwandan community in Burundi concluded the 17th Genocide Commemoration Week with a Walk-to–Remember in the capital Bujumbura on Wednesday. They gathered at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Bujumbura for the conclusion of the commemoration.

The function, carried out in memory of the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, was organized by the Rwandan Embassy in Burundi in conjunction with the representatives of youth associations such as Peace and Love Proclaimers, As we forgive Rwanda Initiative and AEGIS Students.

In his speech, Ambassador Eraste Kabera urged everyone to remember and fight anyone who dared to bring back divisions among Rwandans. He emphasised that truth was a preventive measure and a weapon against violence and denial of Genocide

EAC Heads of State to meet next week

The East African Community (EAC) Heads of State will, next week, meet in Dar es Salaam Tanzania for the 19th Extra-ordinary Summit, the EAC Secretariat has confirmed. During the Summit that starts April 19, the Heads of State will endorse the new Secretary General to replace Ambassador.

Juma Mwapachu. Rwanda will nominate the Secretary General, while deputy Secretary Generals and a new judge of the East African Court of Justice will be appointed.

Other items on the agenda include the consideration of a report of the Council of Ministers on the proposed EAC Single Customs Territory; consideration of the Way Forward on the Political Federation and a report of the Council of Ministers on the Implementation of the EAC Food Security Action Plan.

Sorwathe donates Rwf 0.5m for Genocide site

Sorwathe Tea Factory, on Wednesday, donated Rwf500, 000 to the newly built Genocide memorial site in Rusiga Sector in Rulindo District. The site which was constructed through a public-private partnership cost over Rwf20 million.

Speaking at the event, Justus Kangwagye, the District Mayor, said the donation was an indication of the values of public-private partnership. The Managing Director of Sorwathe, J.C Alles, advised residents to love one another.

The structure which is currently home to over 6,000 victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, would host Genocide-related resources, including photos of victims and weapons used in the killings. District officials said they still need Rwf7 million to fully equip the site.

Gov’t to spend Rwf14bn on phasing out asbestos
The Ministry of Infrastructure will spend Rwf 14bn; to remove asbestos roofing from public buildings in the country. Asbestos fibre is considered a dangerous indoor air pollutant and hazardous to human and animal health. Various government buildings, including hospitals and schools, have roofs made of asbestos.

Speaking to The New Times, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Marie Claire Mukasine, said that a study on how to remove the asbestos was complete. Rwanda will be the first country in Africa to get rid of Asbestos. Other countries that have successful carried out the exercise include Canada and Japan.

Eastern Province to promote use of biogas

The Eastern Province will promote the use of biogas as an alternative to firewood and charcoal. During a meeting of mayors and officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure, on Thursday, the Executive Secretary of the Eastern Province, Yusuf Mugiraneza, said the move would reduce existing pressures on the environment.

He explained that the campaign would see a number of biogas plants installed in prisons, schools, hospitals and farms, as the major source of energy.

The officer in charge of the Biogas Program in the ministry, Jean Claude Uwizeye, emphasised its importance, saying that biogas use would reduce the felling of trees, which are vital in checking soil degradation and erosion.

Biogas development is part of the country’s efforts towards realising the Millennium Development (MDGs) to protect the environment.
