Innovation can empower university students

President Paul Kagame, on Friday, spoke to university students at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), where he explained the rationale behind the governments’ move to phase out the Rwf 25,000 monthly welfare allowance.The decision, which has attracted some debate, is aimed at re-allocating resources within the education sector to other priority areas, like basic education.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

President Paul Kagame, on Friday, spoke to university students at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), where he explained the rationale behind the governments’ move to phase out the Rwf 25,000 monthly welfare allowance.

The decision, which has attracted some debate, is aimed at re-allocating resources within the education sector to other priority areas, like basic education.

University students, who represent the future of the country’s development, should be able to appreciate the well intentioned decision and understand that in the long term, it will help in the positive transformation of our education sector’s key priorities.

Indeed the government has contributed tremendously towards improving and promoting tertiary education by offering tuition and scholarships. Rwanda is not the first to phase out funding of student welfare outside mainstream academics.

In several other countries government sponsorship in form of tuition for university students was phased out several years ago.

Students should appreciate the changes that have happened over time, and find innovative ways of self sustenance while at school. Taking up part time jobs at school and outside, is one way of providing for their upkeep and preparing for the future after graduation.

 It is important that our students learn how to create jobs before they leave school. It is no longer a given that students will always find ready jobs waiting after completion of their studies.

The students need to realise that this is the time to be innovative, and they have what it takes to meet the challenge.
