Let us support our police to fight crime

Editor,Though police is charged with  maintaining law and order, it cannot do it effectively with out citizens’ participation. The role of  ensuring security and safety of Rwandans is everybody’s responsibility. There is no doubt that our police and other security organs have done a wonderful job  of ensuring that all Rwandans live in peace. I am happy to learn that our police intercepted cars destined for terrorist groups headed by Kayumba Nyamwasa and other fugitives.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Though police is charged with  maintaining law and order, it cannot do it effectively with out citizens’ participation. The role of  ensuring security and safety of Rwandans is everybody’s responsibility. There is no doubt that our police and other security organs have done a wonderful job  of ensuring that all Rwandans live in peace.

I am happy to learn that our police intercepted cars destined for terrorist groups headed by Kayumba Nyamwasa and other fugitives.

The group has tried to cause disharmony among Rwandans but, I believe it will never succeed. Rwandans will always resist any one with the intention of creating instability. They previously have killed innocent civilians through a hand grenades campaign. But their evil motives will not last long because they will never get support since they don’t have a cause.

I urge fellow Rwandans to always help police by providing useful information. I am very certain, once we get involved, all criminals and their accomplices will be apprehended.

Jonathan Buyinza