Over 200,000 trees to be planted in Murambi

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Residents of Murambi sector have prepared nursery beds with about 200,000 trees in preparation for massive planting of trees during the rain season.

Monday, February 25, 2008


GATSIBO — Residents of Murambi sector have prepared nursery beds with about 200,000 trees in preparation for massive planting of trees during the rain season.

The Sector executive secretary Jackson Muvunyi last Friday told The New Times, while inspecting the nursery beds, that the programme was partly in line with the government programme of the green revolution.

"Tree planting is necessary and is being done in all districts through out the country. We shall be ready to start planting in April when the rains begin because the nursery trees are ready,” Muvunyi said.

Meanwhile, in the same sector, over 400,000 trees that were earlier prepared in nursery beds by residents, meant to be planted in the sector were secretly sold by residents to unknown buyers in Bugesera district.

The residents, who were suspected of selling, claim that they worked hard but were not paid for their effort; though RSSP had provided money towards the activity.

The angry workers claim that over Frw7 million for the preparation of the nursery beds was given to CORIMAK, a rice growing cooperative in Kanyanyomba swamp, but they were not paid a penny.

It was not possible to consult Damascène Gakwerere, the president of CORIMAK cooperative. But Muvunyi insists that the workers were not paid, which may have prompted their action.