School launches Reconciliation Club

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — Groupe Scolarie de Bumala on Sunday launched an anti Genocide club “Never again” during celebrations to mark what they called a Unity and Reconciliation Day in Rwaza sector.

Monday, February 25, 2008


MUSANZE — Groupe Scolarie de Bumala on Sunday launched an anti Genocide club "Never again” during celebrations to mark what they called a Unity and Reconciliation Day in Rwaza sector.

The rural school with student enrolment of about 4,000 including the primary section invited all parents and head teachers from different schools to celebrate the day.

Poems, songs and speeches from students and parents echoed the horrendous effects of possessing genocide ideology and sounded warning to those who still harbor and believe in extremism.

Explaining Genocide in detail, Fred Iraguha one of the invited guests asked the executive secretary of the sector to define genocide after residents gambled and failed to correctly define it.

Iraguha warned students and local authorities against segregating people based on their physical appearance; height, and nose, but embrace unity. 

"The perpetrators and the children born today have all faced the effects of genocide,’’ said Iraguha.

The vice mayor of economic development, Anonciatta Budengeri, asked the residents to engage in modern agriculture by growing modified seeds and suitable crops instead of dwelling on traditional crops.
