Pastors are for the world, not serving God

The games in Maranatha Church shows how mushrooming churches’ authenticity should be questioned before someone falls prey to their cunning preaching.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The games in Maranatha Church shows how mushrooming churches’ authenticity should be questioned before someone falls prey to their cunning preaching.

Sincerely, why would people who are meant to serve God start fighting for power in church which is not supposed to be for money making?

First, they fight over money forgetting that they are expected to be exemplary; they fail to sort themselves out and end up going to public courts.

 Now they are at it again over who should lead the church, which church exactly one wonders whether it is not supposed to be God’s people and not the non buildings without a single sense.

I just pity their followers who blindly think they are working for heaven yet led by worldly pastors.

 I will beg to excuse my cruel language but these pastors are a real disappointment especially to some one who calls himself a Christian.

For Christ’s sake, can’t we (Christians) try to see how Jesus used to do his things? We may say, there was no need for money then but consider the demands of the day then.

 He catered for the hungry and the poor which is no different from our world today.

Unfortunately, when these churches are forwarding their projects to donors (fellow Christians overseas), they claim they are seeking to help the poor, especially the Genocide survivors, widows, orphans and other vulnerable members of the Rwandan society.

 Poor donors start saving a dollar from their hard earned income and at realising a tangible amount they send it over only to be snatched by the so called volunteers.

These ‘pastors’ should save us of uncalled for embarrassments and sort their differences outside the public eye.
