Marriages is a serious issue here

Dear Editor, When I talk to my friends from other countries, they say there are usually many weddings in Rwanda compared to the neighboring countries. I think this is just exaggerated if you go with our population.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dear Editor,

When I talk to my friends from other countries, they say there are usually many weddings in Rwanda compared to the neighboring countries. I think this is just exaggerated if you go with our population.

However, when they ask why it is so, without thinking twice, I normally answer, Rwandans are serious people and they like doing things just the right way.

But the one million dollar question is do these marriages last? If they do last; are they healthy?

For us to have real happy and successful marriages, we need a strong foundation. A proper foundation and structure must exist; or else they will crumble and fail.

Marriage is between the husband and wife, and no one else. Husbands and wives must fully cooperate in all aspects of nuptials.

My advice to the couples is that they must continue to learn from one another, taking time to share their thoughts and feelings.

Sincere compliments should also be a part of regular communication. If these are not followed, the marriage will experience hardship-and most likely end.

I wish to extend my gratitude to good leadership this regime has displayed that has allowed Rwandans to respect matrimony and legal marriages which not only promotes harmony in homes but also a better nation.
