Tell Chaka...

How do you speak to God? In the past weeks, we have been hearing from different children about their life experiences. However, today we are going to share about praying to the Lord. Praying is from the word pray.

Monday, February 25, 2008

How do you speak to God?

In the past weeks, we have been hearing from different children about their life experiences. However, today we are going to share about praying to the Lord. Praying is from the word pray.

Praying is some thing God requires from every mankind, through prayers we can tell God any thing we desire and he grants it to us.

The same way we humble ourselves when asking our earthly fathers certain things, Father God also feels honored when we humble our selves while communicating to him through prayer.

We (children) have different ways of praying. A number of you have told me that one has to close his or her eyes, fold arms around the chest and stay calm while talking to God.

Yes I do agree with you but how can we handle children who keep their eyes wide open and continue disturbing others while praying. Do you think it is a right thing to do or not?

We should learn how to humble ourselves before God, playing while others a praying is not good.

Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom so dear children, if we really want to get wisdom, we should learn how to respect scriptures of the Bible. We should also not forget to respect our parents.

Parents are God’s representatives on the earth, if disobey them then u have disobeyed God. Children should take prayers seriously; through prayers and Bible reading they grow spiritually.
