Is BB Africa housemates’ health safe?

I am not a regular fan of the BBA 2 that is currently being screened on M-net.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I am not a regular fan of the BBA 2 that is currently being screened on M-net.

 However, I have become curious after watching two shows for less than 30 minutes.

 On each of these two occasions one of the lady participants (Ofuneka) seemed to have a rather persistent cough, so the epidemiologist in me asked, "Are these housemates screened for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis before they are put in this kind of closed air circuit?”

I wonder how much air exchanges take places between the participants in the BBA2 house.

 Can someone in the know, tell us whether this lady housemate (who by the way is very friendly to neighbouring Uganda housemate Maureen) has an allergy or else there might be a need to screen her if this has not been done already?
