God made man

Once upon a time, there lived a man and his wife in the rich village called Eden where this man was entitled to almost all fruits of that wonderful garden.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Once upon a time, there lived a man and his wife in the rich village called Eden where this man was entitled to almost all fruits of that wonderful garden.

This man had only one popular name which is Adam and his wife Eve. God had made a covenant with the man before giving him a wife.

God told Adam to use all the fruits in that Garden but not the middle tree which was the tree of life. If they tried to eat the forbidden fruit, then they would die.

However, Adam and Eve went ahead and ate it. The Bible says Adam lived long without a partner until God realised that he was lonely.

After Eve’s creation, Adam got much excited seeing another wonderful creature that resembled him.

God requested that Adam names his wife Eve which means mother of all living creatures. He also gave Adam power to control over all living organisms.

Adam and Eve had children, Cain and Abel.
