Are you a Prodigal Child?

Once a upon a time, there lived a boy whose father was very very rich. This boy was called Nathan. Nathan was a greedy boy. He asked his daddy to buy him new toys everyday .Nathan did not like sharing. Whenever his daddy would tell him to share his toys with the other kids, he would refuse and cry out so loud.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Once a upon a time, there lived a boy whose father was very very rich.

This boy was called Nathan. Nathan was a greedy boy. He asked his daddy to buy him new toys everyday .Nathan did not like sharing. Whenever his daddy would tell him to share his toys with the other kids, he would refuse and cry out so loud.
He also had so many new clothes but refused to give out his old ones to the poor kids. Nathan’s daddy would take him to Children’s church every Sunday.He would then live him with money to give in for offering.

"No way, no no no…. this is my money for buying sweets, ice-cream and chocolate after church.I shall not put it in that basket,”screamed Nathan whenever the Sunday school teacher passed the basket over to him. All the children did not like playing with him because he was a bad boy.

When Nathan grew up, he was still the same old greedy and naughty boy. This got him into a lot of trouble. One morning, he woke up and asked his dad for a share of his wealth. The daddy was supposed to give his share after he had finished school but Nathan insisted.

"Daddy, I want my share of your wealth now,” said Nathan. The dad was trying to answer back, but Nathan rudely interrupted, "I said right now,” shouted Nathan.”If that is what you want son, well and good, here you go,” said Nathan’s dad.

Nathans dad gave him his share and off Nathan went. He spent all the money and was left with nothing. He was ashamed of his actions and was scared to go back home.

 He saw a pig sty and started sharing food with the pigs. The pigs were also very greedy so he would eat the left overs.Nathan couldn’t help it anymore so he went back to the father and apologized.
The father was so happy to see him; he forgave him and even threw him a party.
This teaches us that good children shouldn’t be greedy. They should instead be cheerful givers, patient and ready to apologize whenever they are in wrong.