The three amazing names of Jesus

Dear little children do you know that Jesus our savoir has more than one name? He has  at least other two names.These are: Jesus, King and Redeemer.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dear little children do you know that Jesus our savoir has more than one name? He has  at least other two names.
These are: Jesus, King and Redeemer.

These three names are interconnected but also a bit different and they show his personality as well.

The name Jesus symbolizes God who will change him self into manhood in order to save mankind who had actually gone astray.

The second name is King which signifies for the one who will have peaceful leadership over his multitudes. The third name is Redeemer.

This stands for the person who will come to wash away the sins and rescues mankind. This God child, the Bible says was born by Virgin Mary through God’s help. Jesus was born in Nazareth in an impoverished but royal family.

This Holy child was not successful in the eyes of the wicked. He was beaten, hanged and killed on the cross. But He had to carry the cross for our sins.
