Jobseeker’s Diary

I’ve seen and read about stubborn men and a few women but I have to say Laurent Gbagbo takes the prize. Either there exists this impenetrable bubble around him or he’s just big-headed. He reminds me of the Egyptian Pharaoh who wouldn’t let God’s people go even after all of ten plagues were unleashed on him and his land.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I’ve seen and read about stubborn men and a few women but I have to say Laurent Gbagbo takes the prize. Either there exists this impenetrable bubble around him or he’s just big-headed.

He reminds me of the Egyptian Pharaoh who wouldn’t let God’s people go even after all of ten plagues were unleashed on him and his land.
There’s also that old proverb about a worm that was warned to leave a corn ear, maize if you like, long before the crop was harvested. The worm replied that it had plenty of time to do that.

After all, the stalk had to be cut down first and leaves peeled back before a meal could be made out of the maize.

However, that time came sooner than Mr Worm had anticipated and unfortunately for him, the leaves weren’t peeled off. In no time, it got too hot and the worm was boiled to death. Moral of the story, have enough wisdom to know when to let some things go.

 Only a fool fights on when it’s evident, he won’t get any spoils. I give Gbagbo credit though. It takes a lot of courage to defy so many people on so many fronts.

Adolf Hitler must be his mentor, seeing that he too chose to spend his last days hiding in a bunker like a scared little boy.

I just hope he doesn’t commit suicide like Hitler did. He probably won’t, and will likely make it out of his hideout alive since his opponents were given strict instructions not to harm him or his family.

He’s a lucky man and those opposed to his rule must be lauded for their patience too. After four months of begging the man to step aside for the legitimate ruler, I would shoot the second I laid eyes on him. I wouldn’t shoot to kill though, for two reasons.

I don’t want blood on my hands but also, Gbagbo needs to live to pay for his many crimes.

 I really hope he doesn’t get immunity because he has caused many unnecessary deaths. With all the sanctions and travel bans he’s been slapped with, I wish him a life of misery and poverty, the same things he has subjected many of his countrymen to. The opportunist in me sees a little good in this though.

My dream job is to be a country director of some big NGO. But right now, I’d give anything to be a movie director. Africa has given me several script ideas these past few months.

Gaddafi’s rants alone would make interesting viewing. Throw in some Ben Ali, gold fracas and all, plus Mubarak’s repeated vows to die in Egypt only to eat humble pie just days later and you have blockbusters.

At this point though, Gbagbo beats all the above. There are so many angles to his story and in a few years, I could be an award-winning director and all my broke days will be over.

The title of my Movie would be The Bunker Diaries: How to Rule from Down Under, starring Laurent Gbagbo, Simone Gbagbo, also known as "Abidjan’s blood thirsty woman” and army generals who abandon their weapons at the first sign of trouble ...and action! I can see sold out screenings and calls for a sequel just weeks after the first release. You see it too, don’t you? Just don’t steal my script

To be continued...