Health: Alcohol and Heart Diseases

Alcohol in various forms  and concentrations has  been consumed by people from ancient times. Its euphoriant effect  gives people a pleasurable and calming   sensation after drinking it. Its potential to cause physical and mental dependence leads one to get addicted to it, thus finding it difficult to give it up.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Alcohol in various forms  and concentrations has  been consumed by people from ancient times. Its euphoriant effect  gives people a pleasurable and calming   sensation after drinking it. Its potential to cause physical and mental dependence leads one to get addicted to it, thus finding it difficult to give it up.

Apart from causing damage to other parts of the body, regular alcohol consumption is known to cause many problems of the heart. In developed countries like U.K. and U.S.A., alcohol and resultant heart diseases are number one cause for much sickness and deaths.

Alcohol in moderate amounts taken daily can lead to damage to the heart muscle, a condition known as alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Sometimes   a binge of heavy drinking can cause disturbance in the beating of the heart, known as arrhythmia. This can precipitate a sudden heart failure.

Apart from this, alcohol increases level of total lipids in the blood and deposition of fat on the inner layers of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).  It also raises blood sugar levels. Both of these conditions   increase the chances of having a heart failure or heart attack.

Alcohol is also known to cause hypertension. Studies have shown beneficial effects  in control of hypertension, just by giving up alcohol. Strokes are also known to occur due to regular use of alcohol.

Many people are led by the theory that small amount of   alcohol prevents clumping of platelets and hence is beneficial for preventing heart diseases.

This effect is negligible as compared to the harms it causes. There is no hard and fast unit to quantify the amount of alcohol consumed. It varies according to type of alcohol used, duration of consumption, genetic variations, level of physical activity and presence or absence of other risk factors for heart diseases. For some a small amount of alcohol may become much, while some may be able to tolerate a greater amount of alcohol.
Women develop adverse effects of alcohol in much lesser quantities than men, because their liver is not able to handle alcohol as well and detoxify the body.  Alcohol remains for a longer time in a women’s body as it is metabolized slowly.
It is said that women start getting heart problems if they drink about 4 units of alcohol everyday, while men can take up to 8 units or so. But this is only a theoretical and statistical aspect. Practically, once a person starts drinking regularly, he or she becomes dependant on it both physically and mentally. This compels them to drink regularly and in increasing amounts.

Metabolism of alcohol is also slowed down in elderly persons. Thus alcohol remains for longer times in their bodies also. This puts them at high risk for developing heart problems for which they are vulnerable for various other reasons also.
Alcohol affects the nutritional status of a person because it supplies empty calories, i.e. calories without nutrient substances. Thus gradually a person becomes obese and devoid of essential nutrients. This obesity makes him more susceptible to heart diseases. The malnutrition makes him vulnerable to other diseases.

Once when an individual takes alcohol on a regular basis and wants to give it up, he suffers from what is known as withdrawal syndrome. The body feels sick without alcohol and demands it. Thus a vicious circle is formed, where one finds it difficult to give up alcohol.

Thus there are many healthy ways to prevent heart diseases, instead of taking small amounts of alcohol. One would not be able to judge as to when this small amount changes to moderate and than severe drinking.

If one is really keen to keep the body healthy and free from heart diseases, wisdom dictates that one does not take alcohol at all. Even if somebody has started drinking it, is better to quit early before it causes severe damage to the body including causing heart problems.