I hate people who…

…continue to peddle lies about the events of 1994. Like our president pointed out at the beginning of the week to commemorate the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, a person who continues to tell lies about you has no idea that those lies will become the truth about him.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

…continue to peddle lies about the events of 1994. Like our president pointed out at the beginning of the week to commemorate the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, a person who continues to tell lies about you has no idea that those lies will become the truth about him.

It is annoying that after 17 years, there are still some people bent on distorting events that happened here even when many of the witnesses to those events are still alive and can recall these events.

There is no point in distorting these events yet there is overwhelming evidence to prove that there was a well orchestrated genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
It is time to embrace the truth and discard the lies.    

…consider the mourning week to be a long holiday.  It is simply a shame that some people do not respect the value of the genocide commemoration week at all.

 It is really annoying to see some people looking at this period as a time for a holiday or a time for pleasure. People with this kind of mentality are known to travel to neighbouring countries, all in the name of not having their party calendar ‘interrupted’ by the mourning period in Rwanda.

I find these acts not only disrespectful but also very selfish. How would you feel, if your friends abandoned you at a time when you needed their compassion in order to stay strong?    

…simply talk without acting on their words. After the shameful events of 1994, the whole world agreed that the "Never Again” call, should be motto to ensure that such an event does not happen anywhere else in the world. I therefore feel very saddened when I hear news that innocent people are being killed in Darfur, Ivory Coast, and even in Libya.

The Western countries that have the capacity to ensure that such wide scale massacres are stopped, often react depending on a country’s resources and not the genuine desire to save human life. It is a shame that quick action is taken in places like Libya yet in Rwanda, the carnage lasted for 100 days uninterrupted. This application of duplicity is simply hard to comprehend.

…fail to see Rwanda beyond the genocide. Although it was very unfortunate that over a million innocent people lost their lives then, it does not mean that Rwandans are still living in 1994. 17 years later, the country has moved on and has made major strides as far as development is concerned.

It is these developments that have helped Rwandans to regain their dignity. Therefore, it is pointless to keep talking about this country only in reference to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Rwandans are looking forward to a brighter future.

…cheat genocide survivors of the little they have left. It is really tough having to continue life after your family members have been murdered in cold blood. In the past, I have expressed my discontent about people who embezzle funds meant for the genocide survivors.

However, there is also another group that makes life harder than it already was. I am talking about the over 19,000 people who were illegally benefiting from the survivors fund (FARG) last year. It is good they were exposed and kicked off the list.

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The Hater