Bishop Mbonyintege urges love within society

MUHANGA – The Bishop of Kabgayi Diocese Smargade Mbonyintege called on Rwandans to love one another so as to restore the nation’s dignity that was lost during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. “Love of humanity should be the basis of restoring the dignity of life and persons. We should learn to love each other so as to rebuild our lost human nature, and the country towards peace and unity during this commemoration period,” Bihsop Mbonyintege, told mourners during the 17th genocide commemoration in Mushishiro sector, Muhanga district.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

MUHANGA – The Bishop of Kabgayi Diocese Smargade Mbonyintege called on Rwandans to love one another so as to restore the nation’s dignity that was lost during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

"Love of humanity should be the basis of restoring the dignity of life and persons. We should learn to love each other so as to rebuild our lost human nature, and the country towards peace and unity during this commemoration period,” Bihsop Mbonyintege, told mourners during the 17th genocide commemoration in Mushishiro sector, Muhanga district.

Similar events were held all over the district and residents turned up for the occasion in big numbers.
At least remains of 17 genocide victims will this week, be accorded a decent reburial at the district genocide memorial in Kabgayi.

Muhanga Mayor, Yvonne Mutakwasuku said that various commemoration activities will focus on building houses for genocide survivors in Muhanga sector, and supporting their families.

One survivor, who gave her name only as Evalina, testified that she was still struggling to cope with bitter memories despite the fact that she forgave people who killed her husband and children in former Bulinga commune.

"I have no choice but to pray for and forgive the genocide perpetrators, because it is very hard to believe that after twenty years of living in the same neighbourhood, my neighbour could hack my children and husband,” she said.
Several leaders encouraged survivors to live with hope and forge a more meaningful life, and asked the residents to work hard to stem genocide ideology in the community.

The 17th commemoration was also marked with prayers and songs of hope. The residents and local leaders also paid tribute to genocide victims buried at Mushishiro genocide site.
