Yes, international community practicing double standards

Editor, I listened to President Paul Kagame’ speech at 17th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi at Amahoro National stadium, on Thursday and I totally agree with him on the issue of double standards on the part of the International community.

Friday, April 08, 2011
People tour a Genocide exhibition at Petit Stadium during this yearu2019s commemoration week. (Photo J Mbanda)


I listened to President Paul Kagame’ speech at 17th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi at Amahoro National stadium, on Thursday and I totally agree with him on the issue of double standards on the part of the International community.

Some people from the West are fond of teaching us about the respect and protection of human rights, yet the people who committed heinous crimes in Rwanda during the Genocide are still roaming in their capitals. You cannot enforce the rule of law without punishing those who violate it. This is simple logic.

No one is above the law and these suspects must be arrested and tried.

Most of these genocidaires were powerful leaders at the time of the Genocide and played a direct role in executing it.  Indeed, some were government leaders. They were in position to stop the genocide but instead, they incited the population to kill the Tutsi. Surely, you can’t call yourself a human rights defender yet you choose not to arrest Genocide perpetrators.

Anas Kalisa