School closure an eye opener

Dear Editor, At least we now know that Ruhango district officials did their part when they closed Centre Polytechnique la Trinité (CPT). The closure was due to failure for the center to meet district education policies and education requirements.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dear Editor,

At least we now know that Ruhango district officials did their part when they closed Centre Polytechnique la Trinité (CPT). The closure was due to failure for the center to meet district education policies and education requirements.

The head of the school allegedly neglected the education requirements, diverted school funds into his personal business, and always delayed in paying teachers’ salaries. It is also reported that the school lacked proper classrooms, library equipment and poor sanitation.

At the moment, Rwanda is struggling to upgrade her education system to suit the rest of the other East African countries. We therefore cannot afford to tolerate incompetent people in the education system.

It is only sad that many of the students were forced to either enroll for ‘A’ level in the vocational section of the school or had to look for schools else where in Ruhango.

I request that the line ministry to follow up the tuition issue such that each student’s money is refunded.