Rwandans in France commemorate Genocide

PARIS- The Rwandan Diaspora and friends of Rwanda met in the French capital, Paris, to commemorate for the 17th time the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.The event was marked by a gathering at Mur de La Paix (Peace Wall) in Paris and a souvenir march from the wall to Trocadero, a human rights square in the French capital.

Friday, April 08, 2011
Ambassador Jacques Kabale (C) led the commemoration in Paris

PARIS- The Rwandan Diaspora and friends of Rwanda met in the French capital, Paris, to commemorate for the 17th time the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The event was marked by a gathering at Mur de La Paix (Peace Wall) in Paris and a souvenir march from the wall to Trocadero, a human rights square in the French capital.

The Rwandan Ambassador to France Jacques Kabale’s message was based on the official theme of this year’s commemoration; "Upholding the Truth: Preserve Our Dignity.”

The French Foreign Ministry was represented by Stéphane Gompers, the Director of Africa and the Indian Ocean at the commemoration, while Christiane Taubira, Member of the France-Rwanda friendship group in the French Parliament also addressed the gathering. 

Also in attendance was the Mayor of the 3rd Commune of Paris, Aidenbaum Pierre.
