Poem:God where were you?

When my only mother sunk in her own blood When the ‘beasts’ took my only lovely motherI still see the ghastly images in my eyesGod where were you? When I heard her sweet voice, shriek for your rescue While I watched helplessly without an option in the hiding curvature of the world

Friday, April 08, 2011

When my only mother sunk in her own blood
When the ‘beasts’ took my only lovely mother
I still see the ghastly images in my eyes
God where were you?

When I heard her sweet voice, shriek for your rescue
While I watched helplessly without an option in the hiding curvature of the world
While I yelled your name out to save her from the ruthless ‘BEASTS’
Those images will never leave me
I still hear her loud screams in my ears when I go to sleep
I still smell her blood that soaked the earth
I still see the face of the BEAST that sucked her blood to no breath
GOD WHERE WERE YOU when all this happened to me?

Today the country streets are cold
The silence sweeps across the neighbourhoods
The birds in the sky do not fly
Neither do they sing as usual
Nooo… the neighbourhood is filled with grief,
Grief attributed to the agony of the 1994 Genocide against the "Tutsi”.
Against innocent humans for their uniqueness and originality
Who got preyed on by the naïve, ruthless, dim-witted and callous ‘Monster’
God I can’t help but ask "WHERE WERE YOU?”
The only MONSTER that took the time to spy on every being with a long nose
On every Tutsi,
How could anyone be so pitiless like this?
Sincerely whyyy…!!! It’s so outrageous!
How could the foe be so dark heartened?
To the extent of exterminating month- old babies and pregnant mothers
I can’t hold this to my heart but to ask
"Where were you God?”

God where were you, really?
We always supposed you walked the world
And came back home to Rwanda to rest
Where had you gone those 100 days?
Where really?
When 17 years ago the selfish predators feasted on several families

Today Gasana would be 18 years old,
But he departed the world when he was one year old
He never got to see beautiful Rwanda
The Land of a thousand Hills,
Rather he breathed his last
At the hands of ruthless Hutus
Yes, Gasana breathed his last after being dumped in a pit latrine by the enemy.
Who does that? Breathe taking!
But, God where were you?

The lakes and rivers where the bodies were dumped will always recall
Lake Victoria and River Akagera,
You will always bare witness
The dogs and fish that preyed, shall reminisce
The Rwandan hills and soils shall not forget
When they were soaked in its sons’ and daughters’ blood
And WE will Never Lose Memory of YOU…
YOU, our loved ones that faced the wrath of blood frenzied beasts
YOU will always be remembered
We will live to say

LORD we live not to ask where you were when this happened
But rather to ask you to always be with us
"Cry not Rwanda, you are now safe.”
