I have been following stories about Rwigara through The New Times and I think it has been blown out of proportion.

I have been following stories about Rwigara through The New Times and I think it has been blown out of proportion.
First, they report that Rwigara is in hiding, then they arrest senior army officers for the tycoon’s behaviour, accuse Rwigara of playing games with police and finally he surrenders himself to the prosecutor general’s office and now in courts.
I am at a loss and do not understand what exactly has happened.
From a lay man’s point of view, I don’t see any case this man should be answering.
The fact that the structure collapsed and killed the builders at the scene where he was not even present makes it ridiculous for court to charge him.
The construction must have had a manager who would be technical enough to explain the cause of the incidence. Rwigara owning the business and structure that collapsed should not be a case for him.
Freezing of bank accounts of his other businesses was another blunder.
These were different business entities that should have been left out of the construction one.
I understand he owns many companies around. Imagine if one of the factories caught fire or killed more workers, wouldn’t Rwigara spend most of his life time in courts if not jail. Why don’t the investigators arrest the manager and find out what exactly went wrong.
Rwigara should be made to compensate the grieved families or be questioned for having employed people without insurance instead.
Otherwise charging him is victimising him for no good reason.
Northern Province