Jacque’s Vibes: Receiving spiritual and emotional healing

The Bible in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, clearly states; “There is a time for everything, a time to cry, a time to laugh, to be born and to die.” Normally we tend to prefer those times that bring a smile on our faces and brighten up our dark days.The one thing we forget is that there is a time that brings shadows, wounds, heartbreaks and stains in our lives.

Friday, April 08, 2011

The Bible in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, clearly states; "There is a time for everything, a time to cry, a time to laugh, to be born and to die.” Normally we tend to prefer those times that bring a smile on our faces and brighten up our dark days.

The one thing we forget is that there is a time that brings shadows, wounds, heartbreaks and stains in our lives. This is part of life. In order to get back on the straight path of life, we definitely have to find healing for the wounds in our lives, either by binding heartbreaks or cleansing the stains in our lives.

Then healing will gradually be achieved. Healing is a process that differs from one person to another, some take a short time while others take a long time to heal depending on how deep the wound or the pain is felt.

Spiritual and emotional healing is a gradual process. In order to recover from the pain and wounds caused by a certain event in one’s life, there are steps that help one to go through this healing process.


For healing to take place, one needs to first accept that they are hurting. You could be angry, heartbroken or depressed. When you acknowledge that there is a wound that needs healing, you definitely find a remedy.

Establish the cause of the pain

Some hurts may result from a past experience; take an example of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, where millions have been left emotionally wounded as a result of the torture they went through. But when the cause of the pain is established, the healing process can then begin.

Wash the wound

Just imagine you left a wound on your leg or any part of your body open for any bacteria to get in-what would happen? The same way a spiritual or emotion wound would get more painful. The only way to cleanse this wound is by forgiving whoever caused it.

Whether its anger, bitterness, depression, whatever it is, forgiving keeps it clean and with time healing begins. Forgiving is a first aid to emotional and spiritual wounds.

Receive healing

I can compare forgiving to stitching a wound, you are definitely very sure that no more germs are going to contaminate the wound. This can be likened to the forgiveness process—it is a path to emotional and spiritual freedom.

Strengthen the weak area

After healing is received, one needs to find ways of strengthening weak points. Talking and sharing traumatic experiences with someone like a friend, counsellor and pastor will keep you strong. After all, problems shared are half solved.

Avoid pricking your wounds because they can re-open causing more pain hence retard the healing process. Remember, both spiritual and emotional healing is gradual but it all starts with you!
