You can’t kill and live in peace

Editor,News that Dr Runyinya Barabwiriza, former foreign affairs advisor to Juvenal Habyarimana appeared this week before the Huye Intermediate Court on charges of Genocide did not surprise me. You cannot kill an innocent human being and escape punishment forever.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


News that Dr Runyinya Barabwiriza, former foreign affairs advisor to Juvenal Habyarimana appeared this week before the Huye Intermediate Court on charges of Genocide did not surprise me.

You cannot kill an innocent human being and escape punishment forever. Justice can take long to prevail but it will come in the end. Think of the innocent blood of young children who were smashed to death by grown up people. Or innocent women who were raped and infected with HIV intentionally.

The innocent blood will haunt the killers forever.  Like Barabwiriza, all killers will pay one day. Justice must prevail.

Chantal Nyiramirimo