Illegal fishing nets destroyed

KARONGI- Local authorities in Rutsiro District, Tuesday, destroyed illegal fishing nets worth over Rwf5million. The nets were seized from fishermen on Lake Kivu during the course of last year.Speaking moments before setting the nets ablaze, Fiacre Nyamuhenda, the Chief Prosecutor at Karongi Intermediate Court, warned against using the banned nets

Thursday, April 07, 2011
Some of the illegal fishing nets that were destroyed (Photo S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI- Local authorities in Rutsiro District, Tuesday, destroyed illegal fishing nets worth over Rwf5million. The nets were seized from fishermen on Lake Kivu during the course of last year.

Speaking moments before setting the nets ablaze, Fiacre Nyamuhenda, the Chief Prosecutor at Karongi Intermediate Court, warned against using the banned nets.
"This lake is your major source of income. You should endeavour to protect it by using appropriate nets to fish,” Nyamuhenda said.

The National Police Marine Forces Commandant, Chief Supt Jean Baptiste Seminega, called for collective responsibility in fighting such crimes.

"All of us ought to jointly work to fight such crimes since, as security organs, we cannot do this without the involvement of the public,” Seminega said.

He also challenged local leaders to step up the fight against smuggling of illegal fishing nets into the country.
