PAC members tour investment projects

KIGALI - Members of the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC), yesterday, visited key investment projects including the Kigali Convention Centre, Information Communication Technology Operational Centre, RwandaAir and the Free Trade Zone.According to the Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa, the visit aimed at facilitating the President’s advisors to see what is on the ground.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011
PAC members visit the Free Trade Zone site in Gasabo district, yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - Members of the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC), yesterday, visited key investment projects including the Kigali Convention Centre, Information Communication Technology Operational Centre, RwandaAir and the Free Trade Zone.

According to the Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa, the visit aimed at facilitating the President’s advisors to see what is on the ground.

Rwangombwa is also a member of PAC.

"After inspecting these projects, we shall advise on how best we can expedite the investments and mobilise financing so as to achieve our long term vision,” Rwangombwa said.

The PAC members also visited technical and vocational training institutions in Ruhango District and the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC), Kicukiro campus.

The Minister of Finance noted that investors have started venturing in some of the projects and this will not only contribute to the development of the country, but also benefit Rwandans directly, through jobs creation.

Rwangombwa pointed out that the agricultural post harvest storage facility, established at the Free Trade Zone in Masoro, Gasabo District, would generate improved seeds for the citizens and also create a buffer to stock up agricultural produce.

Michael Fairbanks from Boston, USA, one of the PAC members, said that he was glad to see how Rwanda would create employment, export sophisticated goods and meet the needs of its citizens over the next 10 or 20 years

"This is quite exceptional experience, we visited different projects and what impresses me is that Rwanda’s economic strategy is solid and connects to global networks of productivity,” Fairbanks said.

"The agricultural post harvest storage facility in the free trade zone is based on successful principles and it is going to have outstanding outcome,” he added.

Fairbanks emphasised that what is happening in Rwanda is very exciting and he was extremely confident that the projects would attract investors. 

On Monday, President Paul Kagame, chaired the 8th meeting of the PAC members, where they discussed new approaches to drive Rwanda’s socioeconomic growth, focusing on strategic investment and a renewed focus on vocational training.
