Genocide commemoration, but killers still at large

Editor,On Thursday, April, 7, Rwandans will be commemorating the 17th Anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi. Many innocent Rwandans were killed by the government of the day, headed by Jevenal Habyarimana. However, sixteen years down the road, many perpetrators of the Genocide have not been brought to justice. Shockingly, some key genocide suspects have been able to hide not only in Europe but in Africa as well.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


On Thursday, April, 7, Rwandans will be commemorating the 17th Anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi. Many innocent Rwandans were killed by the government of the day, headed by Jevenal Habyarimana.

However, sixteen years down the road, many perpetrators of the Genocide have not been brought to justice. Shockingly, some key genocide suspects have been able to hide not only in Europe but in Africa as well.

Yet, African countries have an obligation to arrest these suspects and send them either to Rwanda or to the International Criminal Tribunal Court, based in Arusha, Tanzania.

Not so many years ago, the ICTR investigators revealed that a key Rwandan genocide suspect, Felicien Kabuga was hiding in the region and was using his money to buy himself protection.

Genocide is a crime against humanity and it is saddening to hear that some countries in Africa are protecting killers instead of helping to apprehend them.

As we commemorate this anniversary, let us work hard to have Genocide suspects brought to book and arrest all the Genocide suspects.

Festo Ngamije