RPF’s success speaks for itself – Ngarambe

KIGALI - The Secretary General of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), François Ngarambe, has said that the achievements registered in the last 17 years clearly show that the party has delivered on its promises.Ngarambe said this, yesterday, during a press conference held at the party’s headquarters in Kimihurura.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011
RPF Secretary General Francois Ngarambe (R) addresses journalists as Commissioner Wellars Gasamagera looks on.(Photo J Mbanda).

KIGALI - The Secretary General of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), François Ngarambe, has said that the achievements registered in the last 17 years clearly show that the party has delivered on its promises.
Ngarambe said this, yesterday, during a press conference held at the party’s headquarters in Kimihurura.

He castigated those that have been criticizing the party, saying that such detractors never present alternatives on how Rwandans can be better served.

"None of these people has ever proposed a change to the policies. These are people who have failed to account for their work and end up fronting baseless criticisms,” Ngarambe said.
He added that Rwandans only listen to people who give them a better life and create wealth for them.
"Hard work is the only way we are going to challenge those who criticize us…We have come from far and there is still a long way to go. Our achievements and the facts on the ground speak for us,” Ngarambe said.

He added that the commitment and determination of the RPF is the reason behind the massive support the country’s leadership has, from Rwandans as well as foreigners.

The RPF Secretary General noted that Rwandan fugitives, among them, Kayumba Nyamwasa and Patrick Karegeya, who have embarked on a smear campaign, are bound to fail.

"Falling out with your superiors doesn’t mean that you go out there abusing and mudslinging them, nobody has ever taken that route and succeeded,” he said.
Ngarambe added that Kayumba should not claim to be a military General, since he was not active in the army 10 years prior to defecting
"The rank belongs to an established army and the country, not an individual,” he said.

Ngarambe emphasized that the RPF disciplinary measures are clearly defined and that before the party punishes any of its members, they are cautioned and advised to change.

"We never initiate wars, but if someone starts a war against us, we will fight back,” he noted.

The Secretary General emphasized that no party member is indispensible and that the RPF treats all Rwandans equally.

He warned FDU-Inkingi and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), saying that Rwandans will not tolerate those who play the ethnic card.

"There are no rights for Hutu or Tutsi in this country. Rwandans will not allow anybody using that excuse to hold a leadership position,” Ngarambe said.
"RPF’s goal is promoting rights of all Rwandans, equally”.
