Rwanda Stock Exchange for April 4, 2011

Yesterday the market went up. A total turnover of Rwf 11,325,600 from 65,600 BRALIRWA shares and 600 KCB shares was realised. The BRALIRWA shares were traded in 10 deals at Rwf171per share, and KCB shares traded in one transaction at Rwf180. 

Monday, April 04, 2011

Yesterday the market went up. A total turnover of Rwf 11,325,600 from 65,600 BRALIRWA shares and 600 KCB shares was realised. The BRALIRWA shares were traded in 10 deals at Rwf171per share, and KCB shares traded in one transaction at Rwf180. 

Bralirwa shares closed at Rwf171, a slight increase of Rwf 1 from the previous closing, and KCB shares closed Rwf5 down at Rwf180.

At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 7,600 and 122,600 BRALIRWA shares at Rwf175 and Rwf174, respectively. There were also outstanding bids of 84,400 BRALIRWA shares at Rwf171 per share and 400 KCB shares at Rwf185 per share.
The NMG counter did not record any activity and the closing price for NMG share remained unchanged at Rwf1200.

The Nation Media Group, NMG has declared a final dividend of Kshs 4 (Rw29) for the year plus a special dividend of Kshs 2.50(Rwf 18) per share. 

The book closure will be end of business on 31st May 2011 and the dividend will be paid on or about 30th July 2011.
The KCB shares are still trading cum dividend up to May 9th, 2011.
