RDF veterans urged to join war against poverty

Ex-combatants were challenged to wage war against poverty in the country, using the same determination they demonstrated when liberating Rwanda.

Monday, April 04, 2011
Brig.Gen Eric Murokore (R) and the Chief Operating Officer of BK, Lawson Naibo (c) together with another senior RDF officer launching the kitchen gardens (Photo: Dias Nyesiga)

Ex-combatants were challenged to wage war against poverty in the country, using the same determination they demonstrated when liberating Rwanda.

The call was made by Brig. Gen. Eric Murokore, the Rwanda Defence Force regional commander for Eastern Province.

He was officiating at the handover of 43 goats and construction of a goat pen for Abadacogora veterans cooperative in Bugesera District. The items were donated by staff of Bank of Kigali.

"You sacrificed your lives to liberate this country, and it is a job well done but now, you must wage war against poverty - the war left for us to fight,” Murokore said.

Murokore noted that people used to fear ex-combatants when they had just been   re-integrated in the community, but they have come to accept them not only as liberators, but also as advocates of development in their communities.
"You should, therefore, not let down your communities that have come to trust you…strive to ensure that your communities have developed through supporting construction of houses for the vulnerable and participating in modern farming,” he noted.

Louis Rugerinyange from Bank of Kigali said that they will continue supporting the ex-combatants.

"We will continue to support you in fighting poverty, we wish to help you develop your communities and we are confident you will win this war,” he said.

Rugerinyange added that Bank of Kigali decided to support the ex-combatants and the widows and orphans of Bugesera as one way of giving back to society, which he said has helped the bank grow.

The bank staff together with the ex-combatants participated in the construction of a goat pen for the cooperative, a house and three kitchen gardens for widow-headed families.

The president  of  Abadacogora Cooperative,  Laurent   Hakiza thanked the bank  for their support  which he  said  is very  rare  as many banks just concentrate on business.
