Local councillors urged to be agents of change

KIGALI - Newly elected councillors were, yesterday, urged to be transformational and improve on building teamwork in order to meet the objectives that have been set by the Government,The call was made by the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, during the opening session of a two-day induction course attended by all councillors of all the three districts  comprising the City of Kigali.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

KIGALI - Newly elected councillors were, yesterday, urged to be transformational and improve on building teamwork in order to meet the objectives that have been set by the Government,

The call was made by the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, during the opening session of a two-day induction course attended by all councillors of all the three districts  comprising the City of Kigali.

"The Government’s expectations are very high, and you local leaders should think out of the box and try to become transformational leaders. Those who set ambitious targets must define the course of action to attain them, and ensure full implementation,” said Musoni.

The Minister commended the outgoing leaders for their leadership which led to significant achievements.

He called on local leaders to have a common understanding of working relationships of various organs at local level. He said they should defend national interests and promote national values and consolidate what has been achieved.

”You should maintain contacts with your constituency and electorate and remain accountable to them. Local Governments have a dual accountability, both to the Central Government that provides most resources, and to the electorate whom you represent,” the Minister said.

Musoni requested the councillors to develop a spirit of team work and to avoid any form of "cold wars” and "divisions”, because such misconducts hamper the national development.

They were also advised to take advantage of the existing ICT infrastructure in place to improve service delivery and implement government programs.
