A man indicted by Rwanda on six counts, including Genocide and conspiracy to commit Genocide, was recently arrested in France, The Sunday Times has learnt.Even though French authorities had by yesterday reportedly not officially communicated to the Rwandan government on this arrest, sources say Tito Barahira, a former Bourgmestre (Mayor) of Kabarondo Commune in the former Kibungo Prefecture, was arrested in Toulouse, France.
A man indicted by Rwanda on six counts, including Genocide and conspiracy to commit Genocide, was recently arrested in France, The Sunday Times has learnt.
Even though French authorities had by yesterday reportedly not officially communicated to the Rwandan government on this arrest, sources say Tito Barahira, a former Bourgmestre (Mayor) of Kabarondo Commune in the former Kibungo Prefecture, was arrested in Toulouse, France.
"Interpol has just confirmed to me the arrest in France of Tito Barahira. He was arrested in Toulouse! The CPCR had filed a complaint against him earlier in the week,” Alain Gauthier, head of a Paris-based genocide survivors' advocacy group, told this paper.
"Hopefully, this arrest will be followed by others. I personally gave Interpol the addresses of two other persons covered by an international arrest warrant. We'll see if something happens. Three weeks ago, CPCR also filed another complaint that we are waiting to hear about.”
During the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Barahira was the Director of Electrogaz in Kabarondo. A medical doctor, Barahira was also Chairman of the ruling MRND Party at Commune level.
Another Genocidaire – Octavian Ngenzi, who was the Mayor of Kabarondo during the Genocide, was also arrested in the island of Mayotte a few months ago. He is detained in Paris.
When reached yesterday, French Ambassador to Rwanda, Laurent Contini declined further comment on the matter, and said: "Contact me on Monday, please.”
John Bosco Siboyintore, the acting head of the Genocide Fugitives Tracking Unit (GFTU) said the National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA) indicted Barahira in October 2010.
The indictment also includes: charges of complicity in Genocide; direct and public incitement to commit Genocide; and crimes against humanity.
"We definitely commend this arrest, especially as we are going into the difficult days of commemorating our dear ones that were killed in cold blood during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi,” Siboyintore said.
Some Genocide survivors, however, say they are not entirely delude by recent developments.
Evode Kalima, a Genocide survivor and lawmaker in the lower chamber of deputies, said: "This is not the first time they [French authorities] arrested genocidaires. But they have not really prosecuted any one of them.
"They have never at any one time sent these people to Rwanda. I fear he will be released especially since the ICTR is set to close its doors.”
"France should follow the good example of the USA and send us Barahira Tito.”
•Barahira’s role in the Genocide
Between April and July 1994, the suspect allegedly collaborated with others, especially the military leadership of the interim government and Interahamwe militia, in Kabarondo, to kill the Tutsi.
As chairman of the MRND party, he allegedly chaired and participated in a number of meetings in Kabarondo, where plans to exterminate Tutsis were hatched.
It is alleged that he organized and participated in the killing of thousands of Tutsi who were fleeing the killings to Tanzania.
On April 13, 1994, the suspect allegedly led a group of Interahamwe militia armed with machetes, organized and participated in the killing of Tutsi who had taken refuge at Kabarondo Church.
Those who tried to flee the massacres were intercepted at previously road blocks and killed.
He allegedly participated in the attack that killed the Tutsi of Rugenge and Nyakabungo sectors, and personally ordered the killing of an old woman – Josephine Mukaruhigira, who pleaded to him to be spared, albeit unsuccessfully. He told her assailants to go on and finish her.