I hate people who…

…wake up in the morning but take hours to dress up.Please do not try mixing human rights with stupidity.It may be your right to dress the way you want but it pays to use some commonsense. Don’t you just hate these lazy creatures that wake up but stay wearing their pyjamas way past midday? Then they have got these foolish cousins that wake up and wrap a towel around themselves as if they are going to take a shower but go on to remain dressed that way for hours.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

…wake up in the morning but take hours to dress up.Please do not try mixing human rights with stupidity.It may be your right to dress the way you want but it pays to use some commonsense.

Don’t you just hate these lazy creatures that wake up but stay wearing their pyjamas way past midday? Then they have got these foolish cousins that wake up and wrap a towel around themselves as if they are going to take a shower but go on to remain dressed that way for hours.

As a person qualified enough to hate, I wish to declare that these people deserve utmost hatred for their disgusting dress habits.

…litter our streets with used airtime cards. 
Sometimes I wish I could be allowed to do more than just hating. It seems I could better serve this country if I was given express powers to slap these people who keep throwing used airtime cards anyway they see.

Despite the city having enough trash cans, it is annoying that people who load very little money on their phones like 500 or 200 francs think it is a good idea to carelessly dispose off these cards thus making our streets dirty.

Before I get the powers to slap these people, I wish someone could steal their phones just to save our streets.    

…walk carelessly all the time. Last week I hated people who walk carelessly when it has rained and end up accumulating kilos of mud under their shoes.

This time my anger generously goes out to those who walk as if both of their legs were left sided! These are the people who when you are walking on the street will end up stepping on your shoe from behind or will step on you as they enter a taxi at the end of the day.

More annoying is the fact that many of these jokers have never tried using the word sorry in such cases. I wonder why the city council does not find space for some of these people to walk without hurting other citizens.

…ask to see your phone but go ahead to do more than just that.
It is a shame that some people do not know how to say what exactly they want and yet they claim to be adults.

Allow me to extremely hate these annoying people who ask to check out the type of phone you have but on getting hold of it they straight away start checking how much airtime you have and even go through your messages.

I really wonder why the US does not order air strikes on these people in order to protect innocent civilians like The Hater.

These people are simply a disgrace to society and we should at least hand them over to the police for serious questioning on their motives as we wait for NATO to help out.

…think that I am a spokesman for Gadaffi and Gbagbo.
 I am getting very sick and tired of people who are always asking me about things that I am not even concerned about.

I am talking about people who never bother to follow news events. These fools are always asking me whether Gadaffi is still the president of Libya and some other silly questions about Ivory Coast.

Hey do I look like a Libyan or Ivorian to you? Why don’t you buy a newspaper or listen to radio.

Whatever is happening in Libya can be found by following news not by asking me since I am not a spokesman for Col Gadaffi or even Laurent Gbagbo.

If you have anything to ask me try asking me who I hate to day and the answer is most definitely you.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293

The Hater