First Lady is doing a great job for girls

Editor,Allow me, through your newspaper, to thank the First Lady,Jeanette Kagame for her efforts to promote girls education. In yesterday’s issue of The NewTimes, I was impressed by a story titled: “Imbuto Foundation rewards 130 girls.”

Saturday, April 02, 2011


Allow me, through your newspaper, to thank the First Lady, Jeanette Kagame for her efforts to promote girls education.

In yesterday’s issue of The NewTimes, I was impressed by a story titled: "Imbuto Foundation rewards 130 girls.”

As a mother, I appreciate this noble cause of helping Rwandan girls, so that they can compete with their counterparts, not only in the region but globally as well.

Africa, has in the past, had very many challenging moments as far as educating a girls is concern. Yet education holds a key to success in one’s life.

With the support and motivation of the First Lady, our girls have managed to excel and are now able to compete for jobs without  obstacles.

I would like to advise all the girls in school to concentrate and never disappoint the trust and faith the country has put in the them.

Stella Mugabo