Cabinet approves relocation of School of Journalism to Kigali

KIGALI - Cabinet, on Wednesday, approved the relocation of the School of Journalism and Communications from the National University main Campus in Huye, to Kigali.Plans to have the school relocated were halted at the beginning of this academic year pending cabinet approval.The school was supposed to relocate and be operational in Kigali at the beginning the academic year in January.

Friday, April 01, 2011

KIGALI - Cabinet, on Wednesday, approved the relocation of the School of Journalism and Communications from the National University main Campus in Huye, to Kigali.

Plans to have the school relocated were halted at the beginning of this academic year pending cabinet approval.

The school was supposed to relocate and be operational in Kigali at the beginning the academic year in January.

The initial plan to move the school was meant to facilitate practicing journalists to further their studies since most of them are employed in Kigali-based media houses.

Speaking to The New Times, yesterday, the NUR Vice Rector for Administration and Finance, Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, said that plans to have the school relocated are going to be concluded following the cabinet’s go ahead.

"We finalized all the necessary logistical needs for the school to shift. What we are going to do is talk to the school and students to see how this can be done conveniently since studies are already in progress,” Ndagijimana said.

He added that the relocation before the academic year ends will depend on the school and the students since they are the ones who will be directly affected.

"Students will have to tell us if they can be able to secure accommodation in Kigali as soon as possible,” he said.

The premises to be used by the school belong to the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).

Once in Kigali, the school will merge with the Kigali-based Great Lakes Media Centre (GLMC).
The centre which also operates under NUR, currently offers certificates and diplomas in short media courses to practicing journalists.
