Prioritise water supply in your areas, mayors told

Rwamagana —The Governor of the Eastern Province, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, urged district mayors and other development stakeholders in the province to make access to clean water their top priority.She was, yesterday, speaking at a consultative meeting during which mayors presented their respective districts’ proposed budgets for the next financial year.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
District Mayors at the meeting. (Photo S. Rwembeho)

Rwamagana —The Governor of the Eastern Province, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, urged district mayors and other development stakeholders in the province to make access to clean water their top priority.

She was, yesterday, speaking at a consultative meeting during which mayors presented their respective districts’ proposed budgets for the next financial year.

"We are behind (the rest of the country) in terms of access to water; at just 60%...we must end this. I am disappointed that most district budgets are not adequately addressing how we can address this problem,” she said.

She warned local leaders against haphazard activities that seem to lack proper developmental objectives.

Kirabo said a situation where a leader is not aware of the problems facing their people must end.

"You have no relevance in office if you can’t identify challenges and devise solutions. We should be seen to be working to address the needs of the people; that is the bottom line,” said she.

Eugide Rugamba, an official from Ministry of Local Government and Social Affairs, challenged the local leaders, to explore multiple ways of generating revenue.

Citing Rwamagana, he said districts should position themselves to tap advantages accruing from their proximity to Kigali City.

"It would be more prudent for Rwamagana authorities to start developing the main district town. That can bring in a considerable amount of revenue for the district,” he said.Meanwhile, Rwamagana Mayor Louis Rwagaju said there was a great need to woo investors to rural Rwanda.

He said that the issue of family planning, too, should be emphasized so that population don’t outweigh resources.

"We need as many investors as possible to be able to develop our communities. It is also imperative that our population growth be checked. The rapid increase of population poses great danger in the future,” he warned. 
