Punish former Micro Finance Institutions leaders

Editor,I am happy to learn that efforts are being made by the police, prosecution, Supreme Court, Rwanda Revenue Authority, Ministries of Justice, Finance and Internal Security to recover Rwf7billion, mismanaged by greedy leaders of defunct Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs).

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am happy to learn that efforts are being made by the police, prosecution, Supreme Court, Rwanda Revenue Authority, Ministries of Justice, Finance and Internal Security to recover Rwf7billion, mismanaged by greedy leaders of defunct Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs).

Nobody should embezzle public funds and get away with it. I am sure this development will send a strong signal to other members of society who receive Bank loans but fail to service them.

Some leaders in these micro finance institutions used the money for their personal enrichment.

Some reportedly connived with beneficiaries to cheat the Banks.
We are building a culture of transparency in our society and accountability is, therefore paramount in whatever we do. Let us give our full support to anti-graft bodies to recover the lost money.

Eric Mulama
Remera, Kigali