The UN tribunal should listen to Genocide survivors

The call by survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, for persons convicted by the UN tribunal, to be brought to Rwanda to serve their sentences is not too much to ask.The survivors have, once again, made this justified call, following the conviction and sentencing to life of the notorious former bourgmestre (mayor) of Murambi, Jean Baptiste Gatete, by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The call by survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, for persons convicted by the UN tribunal, to be brought to Rwanda to serve their sentences is not too much to ask.

The survivors have, once again, made this justified call, following the conviction and sentencing to life of the notorious former bourgmestre (mayor) of Murambi, Jean Baptiste Gatete, by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

For years, the survivors and government alike have pleaded with the UN
tribunal to send the genocide convicts to Rwanda but to no avail.

The country has the prison facilities and infrastructure to accommodate the convicts. As a matter of fact, there are prisoners from other countries - who were sentenced by other UN tribunals – that are serving their sentences in Rwanda.

Having the prisoners serve their sentences here will not only bring them closer to their families, but will also help in the healing and reconciliation initiatives.

It is not too late for the UN court to make the right decision and send the convicts where it is critically important to see justice dispensed.

It has been said many times that a decision to transfer them will set a precedence for other cases mainly those suspects stuck in Western countries  and could not be transferred to stand trial here.
