Water dyke to improve rice farming

MUHANGA/KAMONYI- The Minister of Infrastructure, Vincent Karega, on Monday officially launched a new constructed water dyke in Rugeramigozi marshland which is expected to boost rice growing in Muhanga District.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Minister Kamanzi (L) and Governor of Southern Province Alsphonse Munyentwali open the water dyke. (Photo G.H. Mwizerwa)

MUHANGA/KAMONYI- The Minister of Infrastructure, Vincent Karega, on Monday officially launched a new constructed water dyke in Rugeramigozi marshland which is expected to boost rice growing in Muhanga District.

The dyke, worth an estimated Rwf411million, was constructed with the help of the World Bank and the government of Rwanda under the Rural Sector Support Projects (RSSP).

German Agro Action sponsored the creation of the Rugeramigozi farmlands, where the dyke is meant to regulate water flow.

Farmers welcomed the new facility, saying it would solve the water problems faced by most of the farmers cultivating in the marshlands.

"We have already started planting rice and our hopes for increased income and produce are high,” one farmer stated.

Minister Karega said: "The marshland and water reservoir must be protected by the whole community. The government will not tolerate any misuse of land and environment abuse.”

The Mayor of Muhanga, Yvonne Mutakwasuku, noted that once used properly, the marshland has a big economic potential for the district.

The marshland covers 120 hectares. 80 hectares will be used for rice farming while 40 hectares will be used for maize growing.

 The event was also attended by ministers, Agnes Kalibata and Stanislas Kamanzi of Agriculture, and Lands and Environmen,t respectively.

In a related development, residents of Kamonyi district celebrated the launch of new water sources covering Gacurabwenge, Rukoma, Ngamba, Musambira, Mugina and Nyarubaka sectors.

The project, worth over Rwf2billion is expected to serve over 91,000 residents. It brings the numbers of residents accessing clean water in the district to 76%.
